What is Sanatan ?

 "Sanatan" is a Sanskrit word that means Eternal (Never Beginning nor Ending) or "Everlasting".

सनातनमेनमहुरुताद्या स्यात पुनण्रव् ( अधर्ववेद Book)

अर्थात – सनातन उसे कहते हैं जो , जो आज भी नवीकृत है ।

‘सनातन’ का अर्थ है – शाश्वत या ‘हमेशा बना रहने वाला’, अर्थात् जिसका न आदि है न अन्त।

"Sanatan" is a Sanskrit term that is often used to refer to the ancient and timeless spiritual traditions of India, which are also known as "Sanatana Dharma" or the "Eternal Law." Sanatana Dharma is not a single religion, but rather a diverse set of religious and spiritual beliefs and practices that have evolved over thousands of years.

Some of the major religious traditions that are associated with Sanatana Dharma include:

There are also many other smaller religious and spiritual traditions that are associated with Sanatana Dharma, including various sects and sub-traditions within Hinduism, as well as yoga, meditation, and other spiritual practices that are popular around the world today.

Sanatan Dharma





Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are three major deities in Hinduism, known as the Trimurti. 


Brahma is the creator God 


Vishnu is the preserver God  


Shiva is the destroyer God 


Brahma is the creator God 


Vishnu is the preserver God  


Shiva is the destroyer God 

World Oldest scriptures is Vedas (Out of 4 Vedas,  The Rigveda is oldest, dated 1500 BCE )


Oldest scriptures of Hinduism. 

Vedic Astrology(Jyotish Shastra ) 

Traditional Hindu system of astrology


UpaVedas mean applied the knowledge

Religious Book

Religious Image/Video

Ayurveda & Home Remedies 

What is Sanatan?

Sanatan or Sanatana ?

How old is Sanatana Dharma?

When did Sanatan Dharma begin?

Sanatan Dharma : Time & Date System

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